Monday, March 28, 2016

Pleasing Sights and Pleasing Sounds: Comfort Songs

The only thing that comes as possibly close to the wonderful delights of comfort food is comfort music. Comfort music is similar to comfort food in a sense of being the therapy needed for the heart and mind. The soul being soothed and when you hear the music you find yourself at a gradual ease. One of the main characteristics of comfort music is the positive feeling of belonging. Every time I listen to any of these songs I immediately feel at ease and in my own inner sanctuary. At times I even cry a little but I think that's just the music fiend in me. So please enjoy my little playlist of comfort music.



  1. You have an eclectic taste in music Colleen.
    I have not heard any of these songs until today and I love them all. Thanks for sharing your playlist! I've been listening to the same songs over and over and needed something new. :)

    1. Thank you dear. I'm glad you love them all. I enjoy writing the musical sights and sounds series, because I take pleasure in sharing good music.
